After a successful login, at the bottom of your dashboard, you can see the ‘Program’ and ‘Department’ icons. Programs can be viewed by the public but Department is generally used to manage volunteers internally hence they are not put together. The services your organization does for the community are programs and the groupings done for similar job […]
Organization FAQs
How to add multiple admins to my organization?
Yes, it is possible to have multiple admins. Step 1: Click on “Organization Info” tab Step 2: Click on “Add additional users” Step 3: Provide the additional user details Step 4: Select additional user setting for, you can select organization, Programs/Departments, and Position. Step 5: Click on “create additional user” You can see the added “additional user” […]
Can we have a customizable dashboard or Is it standard for everyone?
No, It is standard for everyone.
Is there a way to export volunteer signed up information from VolunteerMark?
Yes, that is possible, Click on the “Volunteers” tab, select the date range and click on “Export” to get volunteer signed up data. To export total existing volunteer signed up data click on “Export existing volunteer data”.
Is the my account gets published during the free-trial?
Yes, it will be published.
Can I add more departments and an admin for each?
Yes, you can. In the home tab, you can create multiple departments while creating the department you can add an admin to that department.
How to switch from organization dashboard into volunteer dashboard?
Switching from organization dashboard into volunteer dashboard : Written Instruction In the homepage, click on the organization logo which is to the top left corner. Select the volunteer dashboard.
If I have invited people, how will they be informed of the invitation?
All the invited members will receive an email invitation of the event they have signed up for and the shift timings. If in case a volunteer cannot find their email, they must check the spam folder of the registered email.
Are there any extra charges for the Volunteer Kiosk App?
We do not have any additional charges for the Volunteer Kiosk app, it is a part of the software we provide.
Is it possible to get an extension on the 30-day free trial if we have not utilized it?
You can send an email to our support team who will provide you with the details of an extended trial.