Approving Volunteer Service Hour Requests:
While creating a position itself, you can choose whether to auto-approve volunteer service hour requests or manually approve them.
- If the checkbox is ticked, requests will be auto-approved.
- If the checkbox is not ticked, an Admin must approve requests via the Notifications tab.
Step 1: Click on the Notifications tab.
Step 2: Navigate to the Active Notifications section to view volunteer requests along with the number of service hours.
Use filters (Programs, Departments, Positions) to find relevant requests.
Step 3: Communicate Corrections (If Needed)
- If corrections are required, click the Email button to notify the volunteer.
- The volunteer will receive an email, make corrections, and re-submit the request, which updates within the same request.
Approve or Deny Requests
- Click Deny to decline the request, providing a reason. The volunteer will be notified and can submit a new request with corrections.
- Click Approve to confirm the request. The volunteer will receive an email notification of the approval.